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Despite being a common and unavoidable part of every poker game, many players get bluffing wrong. Messing up frequently in this aspect can lead to costly mistakes that can damage your bankroll and your game’s reputation. Here are some terrible poker bluffing practices that you need to stop:

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Bluffing for No Reason

There is a time and a place for bluffing in poker, but if you’re making big bluffs at inappropriate spots without a good reason, you’ll end up losing money in the long run. Instead of forcing a win on that pot, you’re better off folding when the situation isn’t right. Bluffing should be done when you have a shot, not as a desperate attempt. 

That is especially true when it comes to stone-cold bluffing. If you’re playing against a tight player, they’ll unlikely fold to your bluff if you don’t have any strong reads on the poker table. Instead of randomly stone-cold bluffing, try and figure out when your opponents are weakest and ensure you have backup hands in case they call.

Being Predictable

If you always make huge bluffs, your opponents will soon catch onto this, and they will start to call you more often with weaker hands. Instead of relying on big bluffs, your poker strategy should be to vary up your play so that it would be harder for opponents to pinpoint what type of hand you have.

At the same time, mixing up your game is not a walk in the park. For example, if you’re playing in a tight game, it can be pretty tricky to convince your opponents that you have the best hand when all you do is fold or check most of the time.

However, with enough skill and experience, you’ll eventually learn to adapt your strategy to different opponents and situations. Bluffing will then become just one part of your overall game, and you’ll be able to use it more effectively.

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Not Understanding Your Opponent

When bluffing, it’s essential to understand who you’re playing against. You should try and get a read on their tendencies and figure out what type of hands they are likely to call with. If you get this wrong, then your bluff will fail more often than not.

Keep track of how your opponents play, and use that information the next time you consider making a big bluff. Observation is key in poker, and if you can learn to recognize patterns in your opponents’ play, your bluffs will become much more successful.

Not Putting Enough Money in the Pot

The size of your bet is also an essential factor in bluffing. After all, you must make the right-sized bets to be worth your opponents calling you with weaker hands.

You must make bigger bets to represent a strong hand if the pot is already small. On the other hand, if the pot is large, it’s often better to just check and fold if someone makes a big bet. That way, you can at least save some money in situations where your bluff is unlikely to succeed.


Making an overbet is sometimes an excellent way to get value from strong hands, but it can also backfire if you do it too much. If you’re always making huge bluffs in an attempt to push people off their hands, then your opponents will soon catch on and call you with weak hands.

Again, mixing up your play and understanding when to make overbets is important. If used correctly, this can be a great way of picking up small pots without having the best hand. Otherwise, you’re better off avoiding overbets altogether.

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Not Keeping Track of Your Bluffs

Good bluffing requires a lot of practice and experience to get it right. However, if you’re not keeping track of your bluffs, you won’t be able to learn from your mistakes.

It’s essential to keep a mental note of which bluffs were successful and which ones failed so you can make better decisions in the future. That way, you’ll eventually become more adept at bluffing and use it to your advantage in poker games.

Better yet, take down notes whenever you make a risky or game-deciding bluff. That way, you can review your performance to determine where you went wrong or what decisions worked best. Poker apps can only record the hands you play, not your thought process. That means you should keep a notebook or a notepad app handy. 

Not Guessing Your Opponents’ Hands and Range

When bluffing, it’s important to consider what type of hands other poker players might have. It’s because if you know what kind of range they are likely to call with, then you can adjust your play accordingly.

For example, if you’re playing against a tight player who folds most of the time, there might be better ideas than making big bluffs. One good example is to focus on value betting and exploit their weakness instead.

On the other hand, if you’re playing against a loose player who likes to call with weak poker hands, then bluffing can be an effective way of picking up small pots. Just make sure you mix up the size of your bluffs and don’t get too predictable.

Don’t Let Your Bluffs Get Called

Despite its importance in poker, bluffing isn’t always the right move. Instead, it should still be reserved for the right spots. If done correctly and strategically, it can give you an edge over your opponents, but if used too often or at the wrong times, it can cause you to lose money in the long run. 

So, to be successful at bluffing, learn from and avoid these common mistakes and focus on making more informed decisions. Eventually, you’ll become a much better player with enough practice, and your bluffs will start to pay off.

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